
  • Metafight cover
    Metafight logo



    Metafight is a decentralized application originaly built on the Ternoa Blockchain that uses professional MMA fighters as NFT cards. Every player has the opportunity to earn prizes by participating in daily, weekly, and monthly tournaments. There are additional objectives to complete in order to obtain cage fragments and participate in the cage event.


  • 20Mint cover
    20Mint logo



    20Mint is the largest French WEB3 magazine! Each 20Mint NFT holder is granted the exclusive right to participate in the selection of articles and contributors for the magazine through surveys and debates. Through a decentralized platform (DAO), NFT holders can express their preferences and contribute to shaping the magazine's content.


  • Stonios Connect cover
    Personal Project

    Stonios Connect

    ReactTypescriptWallet ConnectPolkadotMulti package Monorepo

    Stonios Connect is library that simplify the usage of Wallet Connect & any Polkadot Compatible Wallets in your React App for the Ternoa Blockchain.

  • Ternoa Wallet cover
    Ternoa Wallet logo

    Ternoa Wallet

    React NativePolkadot.JStRPCZustandWeb3

    The Ternoa wallet is your gateway to the Ternoa universe, allowing users to manage their CAPS tokens, decrypt their enhanced NFTs, and gain access to unique DApps built on the Ternoa blockchain.

  • Time Guardian (ex Time Capsule) cover
    Time Guardian (ex Time Capsule) logo

    Time Guardian (ex Time Capsule)

    React NativePolkadot.JSGraphqlRTK QueryWeb3

    Time Guardian is a revolutionary app that allows you to safely and reliably transfer your digital heritage inside a Time Capsule for future generations. Time Guardian's invincible technology ensures complete confidentiality and sovereignty of all your data. Texts, films, images, private keys, files, virtual worlds, and contracts are all supported by Time Guardian. However, your descendants will only be able to discover them at the time and date you specify. Your precious memories will live on in Time Guardian, and your stories will be passed down from generation to generation.


  • Hubvisor Dashboard cover
    Hubvisor Dashboard logo

    Hubvisor Dashboard

    ReactAntdFirebaseReact QueryData Viz

    Hubvisor offers complete transparency and control over the digital advertising operations. With intuitive features and customizable reports, users can effortlessly monitor key metrics, track performance, and make data-driven decisions. The powerful dashboard ensures optimal yields and maximizes advertising performance.

  • Toktokdoc Mobile App cover
    Toktokdoc Mobile App logo

    Toktokdoc Mobile App

    React NativeiOS Native CodeConnected ObjetsFirebase / ParseHDS / HADS

    TokTokDoc is a telemedicine service designed specifically for medical-social institutions, hospitals, and outpatient services. Utilize our application to conduct remote consultations and expertise with your local doctors.

  • Box de vigneron cover
    Box de vigneron logo

    Box de vigneron

    VueJS (NuxtJs)Data Scraping (Python)StripeEcommerceSEO

    Monthly wine subscription service offered by Wine Cluster in Strasbourg. It provides subscribers with two or three bottles of Alsatian wines each month, sourced from independent wineries outside traditional distribution channels. The service aims to bring consumers closer to winemakers and operates on a cooperative

  • Emoji Picker cover
    Personal Project

    Emoji Picker


    Simple emoji picker that allows you to copy an emoji to your clipboard. It also allows you to search for emojis by name or by keywords.
